
About Our Programs:

Courageous Hearts is a holistic self awareness and mindfulness program for children. We focus on:
    • Education – where children learn tools and skills to manage challenging emotions through stories and art
    • Well-being – where children learn breathing techniques and practice mindfulness to help reduce anxiety
    • Growth – where children learn resilience, emotional intelligence and tools to build a strong self-esteem foundation.

Some Of Our Themes Include:

We explore, acknowledge, name and feel our feelings; we learn that all feelings are OK and to accept them just as they are. We offer children strategies to help them manage their emotions.
Tools for Life
Children will learn essential tools to help them cope in anxious and stressful situations. They will learn how resilience, affirmations, gratitude, self talk , visualisation help them at home, school and out in the world.
Self Esteem
Children are offered opportunities to learn about the qualities of a strong self esteem which include: feeling worthy, unique, being self determining and belonging.

Contact us for more information regarding days and times of classes.





Enrolment Form
Australia +61

Emergency Contact:

Australia +61

Medical History:

Release and waiver of liability

Courageous Hearts classes are no substitute for counselling, therapy or medical diagnosis and treatment. The participant, named below, assumes and releases the teacher and Courageous Hearts from any liability claims.

I understand that all fees are to be paid in advance at the beginning of each term.
10 + 9 =




E-mail: • Peta - 0403 062 332